2022 Gender Violence in India report

The 2022 edition of our flagship report is out, curated by Kausumi Saha. The new GVR includes a section on intersectionalities of gender violence.

The Blue Pencil

A media watch project to monitor reporting on gender violence.

The GRIT@Prajnya Blog

Updates, research, blog symposia and other gender violence-related resources.

Prajnya 16 Days Campaign against Gender Violence

Curious about the Prajnya 16 Days Campaign against Gender Violence? Check out the campaign's page for campaign reports.

Gender Violence in India

Every year, Prajnya compiles public domain data around gender-based violence in India as a ready-reckoner for mediapersons and academics. This has become our flagship gender violence research project and is widely appreciated by users.

Prajnya Research Papers

Seminar and Consultation Reports

Resources and Guides

Publications on Gender Violence by Prajnya Team members