Prajnya 16 Days Campaign against Gender Violence

Since 2008, we have organised 11 editions of the Prajnya 16 Days Campaign, between November 25 and December 10. Our most visible activity, our campaigns cover the spectrum of gender violence issues, through a variety of formats, platforms and media, reaching and engaging with local and remote audiences.
Rajaram Fellowships
Since 2018, the Rajaram Fellowship has supported original research on gender-based violence in India. Rajaram Fellows:
- Preeti Karmarkar, 2022
- Arshie Showkat Qureshi, 2022
- Suchaita Tenneti, 2019
- Jhuma Sen, 2018
Rajaram Media Fellowship 2022
The Rajaram Media Fellowship is intended to support original research for a media project on a subject relating to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). The projects must be completed within a mutually agreed time-frame of no longer than one year. Working journalists in India, from any medium and in any language, may apply.
Deadline: July 15, 2022
We understand gender violence as… any form of violence – physical, sexual, verbal, economic, emotional, psychological - that is directed at an individual because of her/his gender. Violence against women is the most pervasive form of gender-based violence.
Three reasons why we felt the need to dedicate a programme of action to research and outreach on gender violence:
- 1. In the eleven editions of the 16 Days Campaign against Gender Violence, we’ve seen for ourselves the need for a concerted, sustained programme on gender violence, one that extends beyond advocacy and activism.
- 2. We’ve witnessed a growing community interest and involvement in this effort and interacted with an increasing number of people with whom this issue has resonance.
- 3. We often complain that gender violence is brushed under the carpet or cloaked in secrecy - maybe, if we create the platform, there are people who will talk about it?
What we do
Like other Prajnya initiatives, GRIT activities also fulfil our three mandates.
Research: Resource creation around gender-based violence takes place in multiple formats, from traditional research projects to social media informational initiatives.
- Gender Violence in India,an annual compilation of gender violence related data is our flagship publication.
- Research Fellowships support original research projects on gender-based violence. The Rajaram Fellowship has so far supported two projects and will support two more in 2022.
- The GRIT@Prajnya Blogpublishes original writing on gender violence and logs key resources published by others.
- Surveys and consultations around local gender violence issues.
- Occasional papers.
- Short gender sensitisation guides.
Public Education:
- The Prajnya 16 Days Campaign against Gender Violence, has since 2008, been reaching out across Chennai to facilitate dialogue and discussion in a variety of formats around gender-based violence.
- GRIT Processes, through trainings and workshops, reach students, companies and social groups to create gender sensitivity and gender violence awareness.
- Safe and Equal Workplaces: Offering end-to-end support around and beyond legal compliance for prohibition, prevention and redressal of workplace sexual harassment, Prajnya helps companies draft their policies, constitute Internal Committees and organise training across the company.
- Advocacy around institutional support for victim-survivors of violence, especially related to the establishment of Local Committees
Network-building: Cooperation with other like-minded organisations is a core Prajnya value, and structured discussions and consultative processes are a preferred methodology of our work.